4 Grounding Practices to Change Your Sex Life


If you’re feeling anxious, stuck in your head, distracted or agitated, these are for you!

here are four grounding practices to help you be more present during sex! 


Connect to the space by making it feel and look beautiful—clearing clutter by tidying up and energy by cleansing with candles, incense etc. 

Connect to your lover by looking deeply into each other’s eyes—this may feel uncomfortable and silly at first. But, eye contact is amazingly powerful and connective on so many levels and can help you both maintain presence while making love. 


Slowing down and focusing on your breath can help you regulate your stress levels and support you to feel more present. 

Begin practising deep belly breathing. Imagine your tummy is blowing up like a balloon every time you inhale and lengthening your exhale breath—this practice is worth it not just for sex, but for calmness in everyday life.


Touch and sensation are incredibly powerful ways to evoke feeling, enhance pleasure, and become more mindful of the moment.  

Entirely focus your touch on one area of your own or your lover’s body, bringing awareness to the sensations — for example, how would you describe the sensation: Heat? Tingling? Pressure? 

Continue to explore other areas with compassion and kindness whilst being slow, gentle and sensual (if you like). 


The next time you find yourself in your head or feel yourself holding back from communicating your needs and desires, do your best to have an open conversation with your lover. Transparency, honesty and authenticity are the keys to great communication, and great communication is important for creating a safe container and presence during intimate experiences and in relationships.



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