7 New Year Rituals for Great Sex


It's that time of the year again! In a few days 2023 begins and we all have the opportunity to start the year fresh. I'm a firm believer that how we enter the New Year is how the year ahead will unfold. So with this in mind, I'm sharing my favourite NYE rituals.

Note: Following these rituals does not guarantee 365 days of great sex! I mean seriously, is that even a thing? We are human, after all. I do believe that if you choose a couple of them you'll have fun, which is the most important thing this time the year, right?

#1 De-clutter your home and create space for new energy.

I know, doesn't sound sexy, right? But trust me, this one is SUPER important!

Before the year ticks over, I clean out my entire home. All cupboards, old clothes, the fridge, the food cupboard, my office etc. Starting the New Year with a messy house is my worst nightmare. I’m a big believer in clean house = clean head.

If you're too busy to clean, or cleaning is not your idea of fun (which I get), consider hiring a cleaner. If that's not possible, perhaps you have a family member or friend who can help for the day in exchange for a home cooked meal?

#2 Write up what you want to manifest in the new year.

I work well with intentions and always have a list of them where I can see them everyday. My intentions in 2023 include: birth a new member of our beautiful family, increase my Substack subscription to 1000 paid members, spend more time with my Mum and Dad, have a date once a week with Nick (child free) ... that's it for now! It's the simple things for me at this stage in my life. What's your goals for next year? I'd love to hear in the comments below :)

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