3 Things I No Longer Give A Fuck About Now That I’ve Reached Womanhood

Firstly, what is womanhood? The dictionary defines womanhood as ‘the state or condition of being a woman’…I believe womanhood is a deeply personal journey that differs from woman to woman, therefore I don’t see one definition as ‘truth’. My own journey into womanhood began when I gave birth to my daughter in 2006. It was my 24th birthday and I spent it in the depths of the most beautiful experience of my life; birthing the love of my life into the world. From that day forward I felt different, I felt like I finally knew what it meant to be a woman, and I had a new-found respect for women around the globe.

So what’s all this talk about not giving a fuck? Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? Reality is I’m a loving, gentle and kind human being, but there’s some things in life that I’ve chosen not to give a fuck about, and my life has become much more peaceful since choosing not to give these things energy.

#1 Other people’s opinions on how I live my life

How I live my life is my business and nobody else’s. I have consciously chosen not to live the conventional life; I travelled the world by myself when I was 17 years old, I wasn’t married when I had my daughter at age 24, I haven’t ever worked in the ‘rat race’, my career is based on the lifestyle I want to live, I work as a sexologist, I’m in a relationship with a woman yet don’t identify as a ‘lesbian’…the list goes on. Every now and then people seem to have an opinion about the way I live my life…but that’s all it is…their opinion. I don’t give a fuck what people think anymore… I love how I choose to live my life and I surround myself with people who support and love me just the way I am.

#2 Giving a fuck about my ex’s

Don’t get me wrong, I deeply care for anyone who I’ve been in relationship with in the past, they are all part of my life journey and I want nothing more than happiness for them. But the time is now and I no longer give a fuck about how they live their life or what’s going on for them. It’s their life, their choices, and I respect them for who they are and how they choose to live their live. In return I know that they do the same and there is a mutual resect for the paths we have followed without each other.

#3 Giving a fuck about social media

Yeah I have Instagram and Facebook but seriously, I don’t give a fuck about who or what ‘likes’ me or my posts. If you ‘like’ what I do, awesome. If you don’t, awesome. Either way, I don’t give a fuck. Social media takes up way too much time in people’s minds…what counts in my world is the real connection I have with my beloved, my daughter and my family and friends.


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