Sexual Empowerment for Women: Who, What, When, Where and Why?


Recently, The Durex Great Aussie Sex Survey found that Australian women are more satisfied with their lives than men … and we’re also having more sex than men!* The Survey also found however, that only 35% of women take a condom with them when going on a date where they may have sex for reasons like not wanting to seem presumptuous, not liking condoms, or being too embarrassed.**

With that in mind … what does sexual empowerment look and feel like? And how can we as women feel more sexually empowered on a daily basis?  Well, sexual empowerment begins within; it’s not something we can pay for, and definitely not something that comes easy. 

A sexually empowered woman is a woman who embraces her sexuality, owns her deep desires and devotes time to working on herself so that she can enjoy a deeply loving relationship firstly with herself, and then with others. Sexual empowerment is a life-long work-in-progress, a way of being that flows, changes and grows with time and life experience. 

Here’s a list of some simple ways that you can begin to feel more empowered as a sexual woman:

  • Work on the emotional ‘stuff’ that holds you back from expressing your true self. We all have emotional baggage and often it’s from way back in childhood. So, find yourself a therapist or coach and take responsibility for your own happiness - both sexually and in all areas of your life!

  • Take care of your physical health by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and unprocessed foods. Plus make time to move your body and sweat! Feeling fantastic in your own skin is essential if you want to feel sexually empowered, not to mention that our libido is highly influenced by what we eat and how much we move our body.

  • Take responsibility for your sexual health by communicating with your partners about how you wish to take care of yourself (i.e. talking about condom usage to prevent STI’s and unplanned pregnancy). Also make sure you communicate what your own personal boundaries are in relation to sex.

  • Educate yourself about sex on an ongoing basis! Read books, find mentors, coaches and teachers who you can spend time with. Look up workshops and retreats. Read online blogs and follow social accounts that educate and support you in feeling empowered sexually. There’s plenty of modern sex education out there for adults and education is key to great sex, both alone and with our partners!

  • Get to know yourself sexually. Self-pleasure is the key to great sex with others.

  • Carry condoms with you! Often it’s assumed that it’s men who need to carry condoms, this is not true! A woman who carries condoms is taking responsibility for her health, which is super sexy and empowering.

This post is sponsored by Durex Australia. All non-Durex information is the opinion of the author. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL. USE ONLY AS DIRECTED.

*93.9% of women are satisfied with their sex lives, compared to 87.7% of men according to an independent study of 1,000 sexually active Australians aged 16-years and above, conducted in 2018.

**Only 37.9% of women take a condom with them when going on a date where they may have sex. Reasons women weren’t carrying condoms included: Not wanting to seem presumptuous (25.8%), just not liking them (14.1%) and being too embarrassed (10.1%) according to an independent study of 1,000 sexually active Australians aged 16-years and above, conducted in 2018.


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Juliet Allen