Why Every Woman Needs A Rose Quartz Dildo


A rose quartz crystal dildo in my pussy, WTF? Yep, that’s what I thought when I first heard of crystal dildos, so I get it if you’re thinking this is yet another airy fairy hippy gimmick. Luckily, it’s not. In fact ever since using my first Rose Quartz pleasure wand a few months ago, I’ve never looked back. 

So, what’s the big deal? Why am I pushing crystal dildos all-of-a-sudden? Well, let me enlighten you with a few simple facts about sex toys and vaginas. 

Firstly, vaginas are super sensitive. Every woman reading this will know what I mean … that is, our vagina is wise and tells us when something isn’t ‘quite right’. For example, years ago I was using a new dildo with my (then) female partner. It was a new dildo, probably made of something synthetic and unnatural. After a couple of weeks I started to feel irritated in my vagina. So I went to the doc, and was diagnosed with a random bacterial infection. Anyhow, I put two and two together, and the only thing I had changed was using the new sex toy. So I stopped using it and guess what, the bacterial thing cleared up instantly.

I have a million and one stories like this from friends and clients, and I bet you do too. Fact is, when we allow items to enter our vagina (penis’s, fingers, sex toys, vegetables etc) that aren’t quite right for us (physically and emotionally), our vagina responds in subtle ways. In other words, our vagina gives us signals and messages that we should listen to. Mid-cycle bleeding during sex, thrush, bacterial infections, irritability and skin conditions are some examples of our vagina not being happy with what we have put inside it.

So, this is why I believe every woman needs to begin using rose quartz dildos! After all, they’re crystals, and they’re 100% au natural. No nasties. No chemicals. No weird shit. Just pure, energetically charged, powerful crystals. And rose quartz is the crystal of the heart and unconditional love, so why would any vagina say no to that?!

Personally I can assure you that ever since I’ve introduced my rose quartz dildo into my life (and my vagina), I haven’t once felt irritated down there. In fact, my vagina has never been happier or healthier.

Another happy fact about rose quartz dildos is that energetically they bring about a higher level of consciousness and vibration to our pussy, sex life, and relationship to our body and self. The dildos are actually known to help us let go of the stories we have of what sex should look like, and allow us to trust our own pleasure-based instincts, guilt and shame free.

With all of the above in mind, rose quartz dildos should also be every woman’s go-to when it comes to self-pleasure and self-love. Seriously, who doesn’t want a big, thick, long, smooth crystal in their top drawer? Oh yeah and a sneaky perk of them is that you can take them anywhere … my rose quartz dildo has travelled the world because guess what, there’s no shame in packing a ‘crystal’ in my hand luggage!

Want to learn more and purchase your own? Click here. Trust me on this one, it’s the best gift you’ll ever give yourself.



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