Want More Sex? Here’s 8 Things That Turn Women On


In this article, While I'm directly addressing the women in my community, aiming to help you identify any missing pieces in your love journey, remind you of your worth, and perhaps shed light on areas that need work in your own relationship with yourself, too (because it ALL begins within). I also want to acknowledge that men also seek these qualities in their partners – it goes both ways! Here’s 8 Things That Turn Women On:

1. An Open Heart 

Are you leading with your heart wide open? Embracing openness in both the heart and sex centre is absolutely what every woman wants from her lover. When intimacy is anchored in the heart, it supports authenticity and a deeper emotional connection, even during conflict. 

2. Deep Presence

Deep presence is hot! A lover who prioritises presence - not just in romantic relationships, but also with family, friends and strangers - is truly magnetising. Being present with oneself first, then extending that presence to others, creates an environment of security, safety and depth. This holds especially true during sexually intimate moments.

3. Sexual Curiosity

Sexual curiosity as a lifelong value is a huge turn-on! Someone who prioritises and values sex, intimacy, and a deep connection, and who is open to exploring, learning, and playing in this realm regularly. Someone who ravishes and/or can be ravished - who explores their desires and can express and own them!

4. Integrity

Keep your word and stay true to your commitments, both to yourself and others. Integrity is about being reliable, honest and authentic, which builds trust and respect in all types of relationships.If you say you’re going to do something, do it. And if you can’t follow through, own it and apologise.

5. A Great Listener and Communicator

Having a lover who knows how to hold space, listens without judgement and is fully present means we feel safe to express ourselves and communicate our feelings. No need for problem solving or solutions - just deep listening. Plus the ability to communicate clearly and with honesty is just as important. This includes talking about expectations, intentions, desires, and boundaries right from the beginning of a sexual connection. 

6. A Commitment to Personal Growth and a Willingness to Grow Together

Being willing to work on personal challenges and grow together is crucial. This looks like being open to getting the support needed to deal with anything that hinders authentic self-expression and communication, including barriers to fully enjoying sex and embracing vulnerability. Personal growth is hot!

7. Values Health

Health is a big one! When we take care of our physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being, we are naturally more magnetic. Tending to our health from the inside out is a turn on! And our dedication to health not only fosters a deeper connection to self, but also contributes to an attraction that transcends mere physicality, enriching connection on multiple levels.

8. Abundance

Someone who's self-sufficient, on purpose and can meet us in our worth. This looks like sharing similar values and visions for the future (or passions in the moment). A partner with an abundant mindset helps us break free from scarcity to embrace a balanced life of work, play, service, love, and intimacy. Ultimately, abundance gives us more freedom and connection as individuals and as a couple.