Water and Hydration for a Healthy Libido and Vitality


*This article was written by Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Nick Perry.

One of the most ‘taken for granted’ substances I know of is water.

To start this, let me remind you that without water, we die. In fact, everything dies. 

And off the back of that, I’d like to remind you that water, this life giving phenomenon, bubbles out of the ground (artesian springs) and falls out of the sky. I mean come on! What kind of miracle are we living in here?! It’s remarkable and it both excites and inspires me. 

In my studies as a Holistic Lifestyle Coach and working with clients, it comes up again and again and again. Water. What’s the quality of my client’s water? What quantity of water do they take in daily? How do they ingest water? What is their relationship with water?!

So often I see clients who have been passed around the medical system, chasing symptoms that stem from a very basic deficiency. This deficiency is called ‘dehydration’. 

Consider this, in the human body, scientists have quantified that there is somewhere around 6 billion biochemical reactions occurring per second. It’s hard to fathom how brilliant and complex we truly are when we look at things from a cellular view point. It’s vital to understand that these bio-chemical reactions are water dependant. 

When the quantity and quality of our water intake diminishes, we too diminish in our ability to live fully. 

Side note: If you didn’t already know, our air and water is under threat. These primary nutrients (air & water) for life to exist are contaminated at unprecedented levels. Our modern industrial age has developed at an unsustainable rate and pillaged nature with relentless force. The consequence of this is a sick planet; corrupted air and water sources. We all live here, and it’s essential to understand that we live symbiotically with nature; we are part of the ecosystem of Mother Earth. If she is sick – then it’s a matter of time until all life forms, including you, will experience poor health as a result. 

Some of the key features that water and optimal hydration offer us in our human experience:


Muscle tissue, organs, skin, cells (everything really) needs optimal water to help remove metabolic waste, pathogens and toxins that accumulate in the body. The ‘hardness factor’ aka ‘dissolved solids’ present in your water will determine how effective the water source is at detoxifying.

Overly filtered water becomes stripped of essential minerals and elements, which creates an ACIDIC PH level. For this reason, it’s important to have filtered & re-mineralised and energised water that contains a dissolved solids ratio of 300 ppm or greater. It’s this ratio that classifies the water as a ‘hard water’ which acts as an effective detoxifier and hydrator.


Dehydration is highly stressful to the body and mind. Undiagnosed dehydration can be linked to mood swings, anxiety and depression. If the nervous system is even 1% dehydrated, significant psychological disruptions can occur. Your water intake will influence your emotional state – never forget that.


A dehydrate person has less capacity to think clearly and creatively. Think of the bio-chemical reaction thing I mention at the start. But also understand that water acts as an interface for information to be interpreted and passed around. Water can be perceived as a substance that helps us remain in-formation physically, mentally and spiritually. 


For years I worked as a Corrective Exercise Coach. I would work with clients experiencing all kinds of physical pain. I always took the ‘Holistic’ approach, by not treating the symptom, rather, assessing the lifestyle factors of the individual to find the root cause. This included, you guessed it, nutrition and HYDRATION. An extremely common one was the link between back pain and dehydration. Our connective tissues can become dehydrated and literally shrink. Lumbar Disc pathologies are common world-wide! While it is multifaceted, I often saw a reduction of pain or complete elimination of pain when correct movement patterns were restored coupled with optimal hydration practices.

So what I have shared so far is but a ‘blip’ of knowledge relating to the power and necessity of optimal water consumption. To start to pick up your game regarding your own relationship with water and hydration:

Get a hand-held water filter!

At the start of the year I was gifted a Hydrogen Health water bottle for my birthday. This has been a game changer for my water quality. It not only filters my water, but it re-mineralises and re-energises my water so it is highly bioavailable, hitting me on cellular level.


Get a multi-stage filter for your sink.

If you want to go a step beyond, get a multi-stage filter for your sink. Soo many people ask me where to look for something like this. There are a lot of filers on the market. Hydrogen Health have the best price point and effective filters that I’ve found so far. They have designed their ‘Shower Head’ filter so it can be installed under the kitchen sink, too. This means you can set yourself up quite easily with a multistage filter that removes toxins like chlorine, heavy metals, pathogens and sediments – while re-mineralising the water AND it also restructures the water molecule into a hexagonal bioactive form (and that’s what I love about it the most). It’s an Australian company operating from a place of true passion and integrity when it comes to health and water quality.

Figure out your MINIMUM daily water intake.

Use this equation: body weight in KG’s x 0.033. This will help you determine how much you need just to meet your daily requirements. As a rule of thumb, drink more on hot days where you’re perspiring, days that you’re moving around and/or exercising, days that you’re working hard/long hours/higher stress levels.

If you’ve enjoyed this information, and would like further support to optimise your health and lifestyle, feel free to reach out or book yourself in for a coaching session with me.

Thanks for reading and happy hydrating!


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