Why Being a Playful Lover is Magnetic


Do you know those people that have that extra sparkle in their eyes? Who can light up a room with their presence? Whose laugh seems to resonate deep down to the soul? 

Call it charisma or magnetism, these people seem to have the extra bit of juice that lights up them and the people around them. We all have that inside of us, and one of the best ways to access it is through playfulness. 

When you bring that playfulness into your love life, that magnetism seems to be amplified. It creates a *magnetic* pull, a force that draws people in. Why is playfulness so magnetic and how do you bring it into your love life? Read on to find out. 

What is Playful Intimacy?

Life can be your playground if you let it. When you drop the monotony and stagnation and just lean into what makes us feel most alive, you’re able to tap into your spirit of playfulness. What better place to explore this than in your love life?

Playful intimacy is taking that extra moment to give your lover a squeeze, to ride the waves of banter, and create opportunities for novelty and spontaneity. You don’t have to take huge steps to add more playfulness into your love life. Every little bit counts and helps create more joy overall. 

Playfulness Keeps Things Spicy

Boredom and stagnation pop up here and there, especially when we’re stuck in the routines of life. But they can also be harmful to a relationship, no matter how long you’ve been together. 

Playfulness is one of the best ways to keep your relationship spicy and fun! You can integrate more playfulness into your sex life, the way you speak to your lover, and every other area of your life. Playfulness builds on itself. The more you practice it, the more natural it becomes.

Yes, life can be stressful, but playfulness is the antidote. It keeps things exciting and helps you handle the stresses of life and love that much better.

The Sweetness of Joy

Playfulness not only brings spiciness into your love life, but it also helps you cultivate joy – one of the best parts of life. 

There are few things more magnetic than a person who truly enjoys life and helps others to do the same. It’s the secret sauce. The childlike spirit that we’re always trying to return to. Playfulness and joy go hand in hand. The more you’re able to cultivate this energy and bring that into your love life, the deeper you’ll be able to connect, receive, and feel the beauty of life and love. 



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