Posts tagged connection_feature
The Best Foreplay to Match Your Love Language

When it comes to intimacy, understanding and embracing your partner's love language can be a powerful tool for deepening your connection. Whether their love language is quality time, gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation, or physical touch, catering to their needs in the realm of foreplay can create truly meaningful and fulfilling experiences. Let's delve into how you can incorporate these love languages to enhance your intimate moments together.

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Stop Climaxing and Start Connecting

Many clients come to me and report that sex is boring … it’s quick and very orgasm focussed and there’s something missing. Often my clients can’t pinpoint what is missing, but they know that there must be more to sex than what they’re experiencing. That something is the connection and intimacy that they unconsciously desire with their partner/lover and they don't know it's missing because they've never experienced it before.

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How To Fuck Strangers With Your Eyes … And Other Magical Sex Tricks

For those of you who have never experienced eye-fucking with a stranger, it goes a little something like this: firstly, you and your eye-fucking partner instantly feel that ‘something’ that draws you to each other … it’s like a magnetic sexual cosmic pull that’s intense from the moment you meet. The sexual chemistry is unashamedly there in all it’s glory and the energy between you both is like a bomb exploding inside your mind and body. Oh, and I refer to the connection as ‘cosmic’, because often it’s not always just your sex centre speaking, it’s your heart and your consciousness saying a ‘holy f*ck yes, yes, yes’ to that person.

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Communication 101: How To Ask For What You Want With New Lovers

Imagine a dating world where you get to skip all the nerves, question marks and anxious uncertainty, and instead clearly communicate exactly what you’re seeking with a new lover from the moment they come into your life. And I mean communicate it prior to meeting, being super clear about what you want, desire and need. Sounds upfront, but it works ... trust me.

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Making Love vs. Fu*cking

Is it possible to ‘make love’ with someone when you sleep with them for the first time? Or make love to them even when you're not actually 'in love' with them? Yes. Yes. Yes. Often we make the mistake of assuming that 'making love' is something that’s only for people who are 'in love'. But this is far from the truth. When we are both connected at our three centres - our sex centre, our heart centre & our consciousness - sex becomes a beautiful exchange of energy, love and magical union. Sex becomes love in a physical and spiritual form.

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How To Honour Pussy Like A Sacred Temple

Ladies, it’s time to honour our vagina’s and treat them like the divine and exquisite temple that they are, allowing only amazing energy and love to enter our sacred space. All too often we as a women don’t give our pussy the love that it needs and deserves. When we neglect our pussy it overflows into us not enjoying our sexuality in it’s fullness, and we definitely don’t reap the full benefits and pleasure of sex and love-making with others.

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