21 Fun Questions To Ask Your Partner / Lover to Connect on a Deeper Level

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Here are twenty-one fun questions to ask your partner/lover on your next date night. Take it in turns to answer, and enjoy the conversation starters! This is a fun and easy way to connect deeper:

#1 When do you feel closest to me?

#2 What do you like that I do in the bedroom?

#3 What are 5 complements you would give yourself?

#4 What makes you feel most love?

#5 Which of your friends would you choose if you had to be on a desert island with just one?

#6 How did you feel after the first time we had sex/made love?

#7 What food reminds you of me?

#8 How can I be a better partner to you this week?

#9 What is your favourite memory of us?

#10 In what ways have I changed since we first met?

#11 What turns you on most?

#12 Which of your parents are you most alike?

#13 What would you like more of in our relationship?

#14 Why physical feature do you like about me the most?

#15 What is your biggest fear?

#16 Am I a safe person for you to talk to? If not, how can I improve?

#17 What do you attribute the biggest successes in your life to?

#18 If you could relive a year in your life, what agree would you choose?

#19 What are the four top values you live by?

#20 What do you think we need to work on the most in our relationship?

#21 When do you feel the most protected and taken care of?



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