Practical Advice For a Healthy & Happy Vagina


Ladies let’s be completely honest, there’s nothing worse than having a vagina that’s feeling a little ‘under the weather’. An itchy, sore, irritated vagina is downright annoying and if it’s an ongoing challenge it can seriously affect our physical and mental health and wellbeing. 

Reality is, vaginas are sensitive creatures that need tender loving care all-year-round. Here’s some practical tips on how you can take care of your precious love-making yoni on a daily basis:

#1 Use organic, natural body care products when cleaning her

Forget the highly perfumed products that have a million and one ingredients with names you don’t even understand. Get back to basics; use a simple and natural soap alternative when cleaning your vagina. Using natural products will reduce irritation and won’t interfere with natural Ph levels down there. I recommend visiting your local health food store and asking for a natural body wash for sensitive areas.

#2 Use organic cotton tampons (or pads)

Don’t even think about buying mainstream tampons … these products have all sorts of nasties in the cotton and leaving them inside your vagina all day is not good for you! I recommend buying TOM Organic tampons, available in Coles and Woolworths. Another alternative option to tampons and pads is a menstrual cup (google ‘menstrual cup’, you’ll get get gist).

#3 Don’t stick stuff in there that doesn’t feel amazing

Sounds logical, right? Unfortunately most women have at some stage put something in our vagina that we shouldn’t have/didn’t want to. I’m talking penis’s, sex toys, dirty fingers, vegetables … to name but a few. If you’re using sex toys, make sure you invest in the great quality ones (I recommend The Juliet Pleasure Wands®, and be sure to wash them with warm water before inserting them vaginally. If you’re engaging in sex with a penis, ensure that your partner respects you and that you are safe (please, use condoms). 

#4 Get regular checks at your local sexual health clinic

Believe it or not, many of us are living with an STI and we don’t even know it. It’s super important that if you’re sexually active, you get regular health checks at your local sexual health clinic. Treating STI’s is often very easy and quick and much better than living with something that’s ruining your reproductive system (or irritating your vagina on a daily basis).

#5 Consult your local naturopath

There’s plenty of shitty things that can irritate our vagina ie. Thrush (sooooooo annoying), UTI’s, STI’s, Lichen … the list goes on. I recommend having a consult with a naturopath who will help you out with supplements, magic herbal formulas and practical advice on how to eat well for a heathy and wealthy vagina.


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