Posts tagged self-pleasure
Why Masturbation is Great For Your Sex Life

It seems there are a few damaging myths surrounding masturbation that need to be cleared up. The first myth is ‘If my partner masturbates, it means our sex life is inadequate’ and the second myth is ‘Masturbating means I won’t want sex with my partner because I will be ‘orgasmed out’.’ News flash; both of these myths are not true, in fact masturbation is a healthy and normal part of life and is a positive addition to any romantic relationship.

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Mutual Masturbation 101: A Guide For Lovers & Self-Pleasure Enthusiasts

Mutual masturbation is when two (or more) people masturbate in each other’s presence. Perhaps you are both positioned on opposite sides of the room, or you’re alongside each other kissing, or you’re on opposite sides of the world, watching and listening via a screen. It doesn’t matter how you choose to do it, what matters is that you experience and embrace mutual masturbation as a regular practice with your lover/s.

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Why Every Woman Needs A Rose Quartz Dildo

A rose quartz crystal dildo in my pussy, WTF? Yep, that’s what I thought when I first heard of crystal dildos, so I get it if you’re thinking this is yet another airy fairy hippy gimmick. Luckily, it’s not. In fact ever since using my first rose quartz Chakrubs dildo a few months ago, I’ve never looked back. So, what’s the big deal? Why am I pushing crystal dildos all-of-a-sudden? Well, let me enlighten you with a few simple facts about sex toys and vaginas. 

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Self Pleasure 101

I’m a big fan of self-pleasure; I was fortunate enough to discover my ‘pleasure spot’ at a young age and haven’t looked back since. I feel truly blessed that masturbation feels natural and that making myself cum has always been relatively easy.

Over the years though, I have discovered many women who have had a rough trot with masturbation; stories of shame and guilt (often somewhat associated with religion, surprise surprise), of the inability to reach orgasm through self-pleasure and women who just don’t feel the desire to pleasure themselves at all. All of the above feelings are completely normal and, if they resonate with you, believe me; you are not alone.

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Self Pleasure, Forever

These days it’s easy to get caught up in the daily-grind called ‘life’ and before we know it, self-love and pleasure seem to be placed on the back burner. Before long we begin to feel frustrated and annoyed (often blaming our lovers) for the lack of pleasure and satisfaction we feel in our everyday life. With this in mind, here are 3 tips for better self-loving:

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Sex For One: Top 5 Tips For Better Self Loving

It can be as simple as closing one’s eyes, delving into fantasy and reaching orgasm within seconds. Other times it can be a deeply spiritual practice that includes conscious breath work and a sacred sexual ritual. Neither way is right or wrong, what matters is that you enjoy the experience and feel absolutely amazing while you’re doing it.

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