How To Channel Your Sadness & Anger Into Freedom

Do you ever feel so stressed and busy and tired that you feel like you want to scream and curl up into a tiny ball and cry? I know that feeling well because I’ve always been the ‘strong’ one … the woman who keeps ‘pushing on’ and doesn’t often allow herself to curl into a ball and tell everyone and everything to go away. Feeling this way leaves me feeling vulnerable and fragile … but surprisingly when I allow myself to actually feel my emotion, something magical happens. I feel lighter and, once the heavy feelings have lifted, I feel clearer.

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HealthJuliet Allen
3 Things I No Longer Give A Fuck About Now That I’ve Reached Womanhood

Firstly, what is womanhood? The dictionary defines womanhood as ‘the state or condition of being a woman’…I believe womanhood is a deeply personal journey that differs from woman to woman, therefore I don’t see one definition as ‘truth’. My own journey into womanhood began when I gave birth to my daughter in 2006. It was my 24th birthday and I spent it in the depths of the most beautiful experience of my life; birthing the love of my life into the world. From that day forward I felt different, I felt like I finally knew what it meant to be a woman, and I had a new-found respect for women around the globe.

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Stop Blaming Your Partner For Your Low Libido

Lately I’ve been feeling like less sex and intimacy than usual, which bothers me. What bothers me more is that instead of taking ownership of my low libido, I realised I’ve been blaming my partner and playing the victim. Victim mentality is dangerous - victim mentality is when a person tends to regard him or herself as a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave like it were the case—even in the absence of clear evidence.

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5 Must-Know Facts About The Clitoris

Many women (and men) have no clue how to navigate their way around the clitoris, which ultimately leads to sex being less than satisfying and creates much confusion in the boudoir. I admit that I had no clue where my clitoris was until my early 20’s…I knew that something down there felt God damn great, but I wasn’t aware that it was called a clitoris. So with this in mind, here are 5 must-know facts about the clitoris that I encourage you to share with your daughters, friends and the world:

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3 Reasons Why Sex & Relationship Coaching Can Change Your Life

As a sex & relationship coach I work with all sorts of people from all different walks of life; single women who want to know how to get more sex, women who feel shame and guilt around sex, men who want to please their partner more, couples who’ve lost their libido and want to know how to get it back…you name it, I’ve helped people with it. I absolutely love my job and love helping people transform their lives through coaching.

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Tantra: More To Sex Than Meets The Eye

The Taste Of Love Festival was a conference about sex, love and consciousness. Simply put, it was two full days of workshops about tantra, kundalini energy, orgasmic meditation, conscious kink and deep connection with lovers. Tantra believes that love making can last longer, and the old tantrics believe that orgasm can be a mystical experience, often the most readily available mystical experience of all.  Tantra is believed to bring lovers closer, often feeling like they are united as one with each other, or a greater force. 

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3 Signs You Are Sexually Comfortable With Your Partner

Let’s face it, it can take some time to feel completely sexually comfortable with someone. Sex isn’t always glitz and glamour, sex can occasionally be downright awkward…but that’s all part of the fun, right? Whether it’s a one-night-stand, or a long-term relationship, there’s a few steps that need to be taken in order for all parties to reach the comfort level needed for a fun sexual relationship.

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Torn Between Two Genders: Why Bisexuality Is Threatening My Relationship

I’ve been in a committed relationship with my beautiful fiancé for 4 years. When we met and began dating I never expected us to one-day be engaged to marry…and yet here I am, planning a lifetime together with another woman. 

From the outside, our relationship appears to be a magical gay fairytale: two beautiful women fall in love and live happily-ever-after with daughter and dog. In reality, it’s not always that straight-forward, in fact our relationship goes through major ups and downs, just like any other couple.

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If Your Relationship is Failing, Here’s Why

Got the feeling your relationship is hanging on by a tiny thread and that the end is near? Feel like you’ve tried everything but it just doesn’t seem to be working? I know the feeling, I’ve been there before and it’s not easy. Before you give up, read on about self-abandonment and consider that if you re-connect with your self, your relationship may actually be saved.

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Juliet Allen
Self Pleasure 101

I’m a big fan of self-pleasure; I was fortunate enough to discover my ‘pleasure spot’ at a young age and haven’t looked back since. I feel truly blessed that masturbation feels natural and that making myself cum has always been relatively easy.

Over the years though, I have discovered many women who have had a rough trot with masturbation; stories of shame and guilt (often somewhat associated with religion, surprise surprise), of the inability to reach orgasm through self-pleasure and women who just don’t feel the desire to pleasure themselves at all. All of the above feelings are completely normal and, if they resonate with you, believe me; you are not alone.

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Rethinking Infidelity... A Talk For Anyone Who Ever Loved

Infidelity is the ultimate betrayal. But does it have to be? Relationship therapist Esther Perel examines why people cheat, and unpacks why affairs are so traumatic: because they threaten our emotional security. In infidelity, she sees something unexpected — an expression of longing and loss. A must-watch for anyone who has ever cheated or been cheated on, or who simply wants a new framework for understanding relationships.

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Keeping The Passion Alive

The biggest complaint I hear people say is that they’re not having enough sex with their long-term partner. Unfortunately, I don’t have the magic solution to this very real problem. Reality is, most couples seem to face the challenge at some stage or another during their relationship and, if one or both partners aren’t happy, it can lead to a relationship breakdown.

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All Vulvas Are Amazing + Unique

Firstly, why use the word ‘Vulva’? The word vulva encompasses the whole kit ‘n kaboodle: the vagina, the inner and outer the lips, the urethra, the anus and the clitoris. You can call it whatever you want; pussy, fanny, fufu, golden gem, vag… but today I’m using the term Vulva.

Unfortunately, many of us barely know what our vulva looks like, never mind believe that it’s amazing and beautiful. Truth is, a lot of women have ‘vulva hang-ups’; fearing that their vulva is too big, too small, too dark in colour, too pink, too ‘flappy’, not ‘flappy’ enough… the list goes on. These hang-ups often transfer into feelings of anxiety when engaging in intimacy and sex with others, with a common fear amongst women that they’re not ‘normal’ down south.

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3 Mistakes Control Freaks Make in Relationships

You can control the things you do on a daily basis and control most aspects of your life, but the one thing you can’t control is other people. I am the first to admit that I am a control freak. I am constantly reminded of this when in relationship with others and over the years I have learnt to strangely love this part of myself. But as much as I can embrace my controlling personality, I know that it’s unhealthy to want to control my partner, and so I avoid doing this at all costs. The fact is, being a control freak in a relationship is not healthy, and is often detrimental in long term relationships.

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